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In: Hope Devos

Passing on the Blessings of Every Year by Angie Ryg

As the year dwindles, my heart swells. All of these blessings that God promises are mine to hold onto: “The LORD...

Learning to Trust the Heart Changer by Becky Daye

“Mommy! Did you know that Moses hit the rock because he was angry and didn’t get to enter the Promised Land?”...

A New Generation of Timothys by Heather MacFadyen

Paul while sitting in a dank prison cell typed out a letter to a younger minister of the gospel, Timothy. If...

In Sickness and in Health {a tribute to mothers} by Jennifer Dukes Lee

I lay in a feverish curl, dressed in footie pajamas while Mom watched mercury rise in a thin glass tube. With...

Finding Beauty in the Small

I’ve always loved the little, easy to miss details the Bible shares with us about Jesus and His life. The everyday...

Raising Generations Today to Be Pure in An Impure World by Cherie Werner

Exactly what influence does today’s culture have on our children in regards to virtue? Can we hope to raise sexually pure...

For When You Feel Like the Wrong Mom for Your Kids by Ashlie Oestreich

Confession: I often feel like a complete flop as a mama. I cried ugly tears a few days ago as my...

Drive On, Mama by Angie Ryg

In order to get to a place called Laity Lodge in Texas, you have to drive into a riverbed. The road...