Mentor - Trisha GoddardIf you desire to grow, you will benefit from a mentor. As a mother, you are a mentor every day of your and your children’s lives. As you disciple daily and raise the next generation, you are pouring yourself into your children. You need someone to come alongside and disciple you too! You need someone to help point you to the Truth to fill you up so you can continue pouring out.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is one who cultivates a relationship with you.

A mentor is one who disciples you.

A mentor is one who points you to the Truth of God’s Word.

A mentor is one who desires to see you grow.

A mentor is one in whom you see Christ.

There have been various ladies who have mentored me throughout my life. My mom is one of these. She serves joyfully, and daily reminds me to shine for Jesus! My mother-in-law has also been a mentor of mine. She sacrificially gave so others could know Jesus, serving alongside her husband in a foreign country for more than 43 years. My friend, Audrey, through written letters, has given of her time and energy to encourage me as a wife and mother. Even authors like September McCarthy, Lisa Jacobson, Holley Gerth, Elisa Pulliam, and Elizabeth George are mentors of mine. They have impacted my life by the words that they have written.

Each of these women have come alongside and discipled me as I disciple my children, who are the next generation. These ladies have taught me more about what biblical mentoring is.

Top 3 things to consider as you look for a mentor

1.  Do they love God and His Word?

2. Do they influence you both physically and spiritually?

Do they inspire you to grow?

Elisa Pulliam says that “Biblical mentoring…combines the heart of discipleship and methods of mentoring to cultivate relationships steeped in Truth through living out biblical application side-by-side.” {}

Motherhood is mentoring. It is discipling. It is cultivating relationships and living out the Truth side-by-side with your children. And as a mother, perhaps it’s time to consider finding someone who can help empower you to do these things even better for your children.

Embracing your role as a mentor may mean reevaluating the way you disciple your own children. As you raise and influence the next generation, perhaps you should consider afresh what a mentor is. Point others to the Truth, and live your life so that they see Christ in and through you.

Are you willing to embrace your role as a mentor as you raise the next generation?