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In: #RGTthrive

Friendships of Worth

I happy sighed as I slipped my arm into the mailbox.  Real mail.  Someone actually wrote our name with a pen,...

A Thriving Soul

I have struggled for many months to write this post on “thriving”, this year’s theme for Raising Generations Today. I have...

Embracing Your Role As Wife

It has taken some years to learn to lay down my own pride in order to properly serve in the role...

The Mission Field at the Changing Table

“This just isn’t what I thought motherhood would be like!!!”   I wailed this to myself as I cleaned up the...

Paralyzing Fear

Fear. It’s an ugly word few care to discuss. Fear can take over many areas of our lives. Fear of the...

Guiding Our Kids When Difficulties Strike

Thunder rumbled me out of a slumber. I rolled over, checked the time, and anticipated the sound of small footsteps bolting...

Taking Time To Teach

In my selfishness, I don’t want to take the time to teach my children new things. While it was cute to...

God’s Gift To Us When We Give Thanks

We tend to thank God at meals, maybe as our head lands on the pillow at bedtime, when He provides for...